SAFE ON SURFACES: Our bathroom tub cleaner is tough on messes, not on your home. Swiftly taking care of grime on glass, tile, porcelain, shower doors, floors, and walls without scratching the surface
POWER THROUGH BUILDUP: Say goodbye to soap scum, lime scale, pink gunk, and elbow grease thanks to a bathroom shower cleaner that cuts through grime 3x better than the leading bathroom cleaning tools
MAINTAIN CLEANLINESS: Use this bath scrub brush with any non-corrosive cleaning solution, dish soap, vinegar, or water. The leak-free liquid control button helps dispense the right amount for effective cleaning.
DURABLE HANDLE: While the non-slip handle keeps your hands out of the mess, its robust construction gives you the leverage you need to keep your bathroom cleaner
PRECISION SCRUBBING: Its powerful bathroom scrubber head gets into hard-to-reach nooks and crannies around tubs, fixtures, and sinks